
Mobile consulting services pick up speed

The Energiedienst Holding AG generates exclusively green power. Since 1999, all of its household customers have been receiving green power by the brand NaturEnergie, since 2011, it offers customers climate-neutral gas. The company is in the process of establishing a heating and energy solutions business segment. Among the regional and national customers are approximately 250.000 private and commercial customers, about 18.000 business clients and 44 municipal customers that serve as distribution centres. Approximately 11 billion kilowatts-hours of electricity were sold in 2014.

With the help of a specially-designed MOST vehicle, Energiedienst is picking up speed for its new consulting services. The NaturEnergie mobile visits market places, trade fairs and other events. An inaugural stopover at the garden & lifestyle trade fair “Regio Gartenzauber Weil am Rhein” is scheduled for June 4 - 6. Thanks to cutting-edge onboard technology, Energiedienst staff members can process customer enquiries of any kind in the flexible-use consulting office.

The green-and-white NaturEnergie vehicle will throw open its wide side door to welcome customers in a string of cities and communities. Joerg Probst, Energiedienst’s customer services team leader, who is part of the crew, asserts that “we go to where our customers are”.

Within the roomy interior of a FUTURIA Boxx info mobile, Energiedienst’ employees can process exactly the same kind of work that they normally do at their workplace at one of the company’s business locations. They can conclude contracts, process change of address requests, new bank account details and other services. Guests can either take a seat in the comfortable corner seating unit or stand at the high tables in front of the mobile.

They will mainly meet upon Energiedienst’s Joerg Probst and Hans-Peter Krebs, who take turns going on tour with the info mobile. They will provide information not only on the rates and service offers but also about the enterprise: The generation of electric power in the company’s own hydroelectric power stations, its commitment to nature, the environment and future generations as well as its involvement in regional activities. As the circumstances require, experts will be on hand to share relevant information on specialised topics.

This much state-of-the-art technology obviously requires electricity. And the NaturEnergie vehicle comes with its own energy source, a generator beneath the vehicle. “This makes us independent and also allows us to travel to locations where we cannot connect to grid power“, the Energiedienst project manager adds.

About 770.000 people live within the grid territory of ED Netze GmbH and are supplied with energy. The Energiedienst Holding AG employs 810 people of which 40 are apprentices. The Energiedienst Holding AG group includes the Energiedienst AG, the ED Netze GmbH, the NaturEnergie AG as well as the EnAlpin AG in the Canton of Valais. Energiedienst Holding AG is a holding company of EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG in Karlsruhe.
